his recipe has a wonderful combination of flavors, the apple and onion complement each other very well. The salad also keeps well, as the vinegar prevents the apple from oxidizing.
Country: Italy Century: 17th
Peel and cut apple into small cubes. Dice onion into similar sized pieces. Mix apples and onions together. Mix oil, vinegar, and pepper and pour over apples and onions. Serve.
Please note that the quantities are estimates. You can vary the amounts according to your personal taste.
Original Recipe Sources
Source [Archidipno overo dell'insalata e dell'vso di essa , Salvatore Massoni]: Fassi la seconda insalata di mele crude, monde dalla scorza, e tolcone via il midollo, e di cipolla, amendue divisi in non minute parti: e se le mele son agre, haveranno maggior possanza di destar la fame; selleno on dolci, faranno gratiosa compagnia all agro della cipolla. Quest insalata si condisce anchella dellordinario condimento, ma con laggiunta del pepe, che la rende di sapore pi grata. E suol questa in salata farsi nel tempo, che lasprezza, & orrore del Verno o h in tutto inaridite lherbe de gli horti, o le neve in tutto le ricuoprono.
Source [Archidipno overo dell'insalata e dell'vso di essa , Louise Smithson (trans.)]: One makes a second salad of raw apples, peeled, and cut through the middle, and of onions, also cut into not too small pieces. If the apple is sour it has the major possibility of rousing hunger, if they are sweet they will make better company the sour of the onion. The salad one dresses also with the ordinary dressing, but with the addition of pepper, that makes the sauce more graceful.