Salad of Roots

Salad of Roots

This is a wonderfully refreshing salad that goes well with any dish.

Country: Italy Century: 16th

Wash and peel your carrots, parsnips and turnips. Cut into pieces and roast until tender, then chill. Mix ingredients together. Dress with oil, vinegar and salt and pepper.

Original Recipe Sources

Source [Opera dell'arte del cucinare , Bartolomeo Scappi; Louise Smithson (trans.)]; Parsnip/Carrot/Turnip salad Parsnip - Should be roasted under the coals because otherwise they are not healthful. They are by nature very hot, and the coldness of vinegar helps to temper this. The bitterness of the root can be corrected with oil and sapa, and to help the digestion of older roots add pepper or other aromatic spices. (2) Carrot - Usiamo, oltre alle gi dette, le carote rosse e gialle, e cos le rape pur cotte, e vogliono sempre il pepe oltre agli altri condimenti. Facciamo delle rape ottime minestre, oltre al cuocerle alla maniera di questo paese, facendole cuocere, ma prima in sottili particelle tagliate, in brodo buono; e cotte, sopra vi gittiamo cacio vecchio grattugiato e pepe. Che quanto delle insalate del verno mi sappia ricordare; perci mi passer a ragionare de frutti, che in cos fredda stagione usiamo. (3) We use, in addition to the already mentioned, red and yellow carrots, and also the turnip cooked, one wants always pepper more than any other condiment. We make from turnips the best dish, rather than cooking them in the way this country does. Put them to cook, but first cut them into thin pieces, in good broth, when cooked above them we put grated aged cheese and pepper. These were used in the cold seasons as salad. Turnip - Per uso dinsalata (benche di rado se ne faccia) si mettono a cuocere sotto le ceneri calde, e si la siano macerar tanto, che diventino molli, non altrimenti che far si suole delle pastinache; e toltane via la scorza, e divisele poi in parti, si condiscono con aceto, con olio e con sale e ancora col pepe. (2) To use in salads (similar to other roots one makes) one puts them to cook under hot coals and allows them to rest a while, until they become soft, not unlike how one treats parsnip, and peel of the skin, and then divide them into pieces, and dress them with vinegar, with oil, and salt and of course with pepper.