This chilled dish of quince is a great accompaniment to meat.
Country: England Century: 15th
Boil quince until tender. Peel, core and cut quince into tiny pieces. Put quince into a pot with honey, butter, egg yolks, almond milk, ground saffron and salt. Bring to a boil until thick. Stir mixture so it does not burn.
Original Recipe Sources
Source [ A Noble Boke off Cookry , Robina Napier (ed.)]: Cold leshe viand. To mak cold lesche vyand take quynces boiled paire them and pik out the core and cutt them in small pesses and put them in an erthen pot put ther to whyt grec and alay them up with hony claryfied and with raw yolks of egges and lttil almonde mylk and dates pouder of saffron and lesche it furthe.