To Bake Eles

To Bake Eles

To Bake Eles

This eel pie is has a wonderful combination of subtle flavors.

Country: England Century: 16th

Mix all indgredients, except the butter, together and put into pie crust. Put butter over mixture and cover pie. Bake at 350°F for 45-50 minutes (or until eel is cooked).

Original Recipe Sources

Source [ A new booke of Cookerie , J. Murrell]: To bake Eeles. Cut your Eeles about the length of your finger: season them with Pepper, Salt, and Ginger, and so put them into a Coffin, with a good piece of sweet Butter. Put into your Pye great Razins of the Sunne, and an Onyon minst small, and so close it and bake it.