These little beef sausages are simple and tasty and are perfect for grilling out or as a quick snack. Serve with mustard.
Country: England Century: Early 17th
Grind beef and suet and mix together until uniform. Add the remaining ingredients and enough water to make the meat easy to stuff into your sausage casing. Cook in whatever manner you wish.
*Liquid smoke is added to supplement the smoke flavor lost due to not being able to easily/readily smoke sausage.
Original Recipe Sources
Source [ The Good Housewife's Jewell , T. Dawson]: To make a sausedge. Take Martinmasse beefe, or if you can not get it, take fresh beefe, or the lean of bacon if you will, and you must mince very small that kinde of flesh that you take, and cut Lard & put into the minced meate, and whole pepper, and the yolkes of seaven Egges, and mingle them altogether, and put the meate into a gut very salt, and hang him in the Chimney where he may dry, and there let him hang a moneth or twoo before you take him downe.