This recipe is basically just "hazelnut milk" and if sweetened a bit is very good to drink on its own, or makes an excellent non-dairy coffee creamer.
Country: France Century: 14th
Put ground hazelnuts in boiled water, stir. Strain and repeat. Let cool before serving.
To Blanch Hazelnuts: Parboil nut filberts. Put into cold water. Peel outer shell from nut.
Original Recipe Sources
Source [ Le Menagier de Paris , Jérome Pichon (ed.)]: Buvage de Noisettes. Pourboulez et pelez, puis mettez en eaue froide, puis les broyez et allaiez d'eaue bouile et coulez; broez et coulez deux fois, puis mettez reffroidier en la cave; et vault mieulx assez que tizanne.
Source [ Le Menagier de Paris , Janet Hinson (trans.)]: HAZELNUT BEVERAGE. Parboil and peel, then put in cold water, then grind and mix with boiled water and strain: grind and strain twice, then put in the cellar to cool; and it is better than a tisane.
Source [ Le Menagier de Paris , Jérome Pichon (ed.)]: Buvages de avelines. Eschaudez-les e pelez et mettez en eaue froide, puis coulees a l'estamine.
Source [ Le Menagier de Paris , Janet Hinson (trans.)]: Drinks made from filberts. Scald and peel them and place in cold water, then let them be well ground and soaked in boiled water, then run through a sieve.